Tuesday, July 20, 2010

POLITICS- Palin's neologism

So, Sarah Palin has “created” a new word. Jeebus! How stupid is this country going to get? Palin didn’t create a new word- SHE’S JUST TOO FUCKING STUPID TO LEARN THE OLD ONES! Refudiate isn’t a word. It’s a retarded contraction of refute and repudiate. I used to have a friend who said “flustrated”. I finally had to tell her that it wasn’t a word. “How do you know?” she asked me. Well, I said, Because it isn’t in the dictionary! Q.E.D. Even Sarah Palin’s stupid ass must have heard of a dictionary. It’s a big book where we keep a list of all the words, how to spell them, and what they mean.

But then it gets better. After being called out on using a non-existent word she tweets this:
"'Refudiate,' 'misunderestimate,' "wee wee'd up.' English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it. Refudiate it."

Yes. Like every other arrogant imbecile in the world, rather than owning up to a mistake she just argues that she meant to do it all along. And she compares herself to Shakespeare! FUCKING SHAKESPEARE! A new high in arrogant stupidity!
Got a flash for you Sarah, people may use words like “refudiate”, “misunderestimate”, and “wee wee’d up” (WTF?) but people with “brains” and “education” or who aren’t “fucking morons” will still make fun of them for it.

And you.

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